Bad Blogger Alert.

I shall apologise now for my complete abandonment of this blog for the Christmas period. As well as starting an increased dose of my tablets which sent me into a lovely world of horrendous side effects, I've been suffering with feeling like an overstuffed Christmas turkey, thanks to all the food in the house.
I hope you've all had a fabulous Christmas! I sure have, Father Christmas has been particularly kind to me this year, and after three months living in London, it's been great to spend time with my family!

As well as an array of beauty products which I shall (hopefully) be posting about these tonight, I was also the grateful recipient of a shiny new Product Red iPod Nano, and a new desktop computer for blogging! So you never know, when I'm back home you might be getting to see lots of fancy photoshopping here! Fingers crossed!

My dad also surprised my mum, sister and I with new iPhone 5's! So now when I take photos and I don't have my camera with me, the photos will be better quality!

I've been loving the sales this year, I got some great beauty bargains! Have you guys found anything in the sales?

I'll be heading home to London on Thursday, so I'll be back in the swing of blogging soon!

Between now and then, I'll be having a quiet New Years Eve with a friend, trying out some cocktail recipes! So look forward to some recipes in the New Year!

Have you guys made any New Years Resolutions yet? I've started to make a few, when I decide I'll tell you!

Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your holidays!


  1. Your blog is so lovely, Jaye :-)You are going to make such a brilliant journalist.Hope you had a lovely Christmas, see you soon.Laurie. xxx

  2. Thank you Laurie, you're so sweet! Had a great Christmas but looking forward to heading back to London! Hope all is well with you xxx


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