This Works Deep Sleep Stress Less

Hi. My name's Jaye. And I'm a worrier.

I am possibly the biggest stress head you will ever meet, and that's no exaggeration. I've suffered with severe anxiety issues since I was very small, I'm talking Primary School here. I'm pretty sure 99% of the times throughout my life I've felt ill, it's been down to stress, hell, I even ended up with ME because of it.

Whilst for the most part I'm a lot better than I used to be, there are still certain things that get my heart racing, my stomach in knots, my palms sweating and my head in a panic, I've even had a few panic attacks since moving to London. I woudn't necessarily even say it's gotten better, it's just changed.

When it comes to handling the every day stresses, having this little rollerball in your handbag could not come in handier. When I'm panicky, or I start to feel that worried knot of anxiety in my stomach, a little of this on my temples, or on the insides of my wrists, or even a few deep breaths of the rollerball itself is so helpful. It's a blend of essential oils, including Lavender, Eucalyptus, Frankincense and Coconut Oil, and a few breaths of this really helps to clear your head and calm you down. 

In terms of helping you sleep too, it's not going to send you off, but it helps you unwind and stop your brain from whirring, long enough for you to drift off.

I really can't tell you how much I love this stuff!

Available from Space NK for £12.

1 comment

  1. Ah I need this! I get myself into such silly states in public, like thinking of really awful things that might happen! I bought some of those Bachs flower remedies but the only good thing about it was the tin! May keep an eye out for this as there is a Space NK near me but I may also pop into LUSH as they said they did relaxing things too :) x


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