Life Lately #1

So instead of the weekly roundup, since I've been a little lax on the instagram front this week, I thought I'd show you some photos I took last night down the beach. I'm back in Bournemouth ready to jet off on holiday tomorrow, and the weather has been just beautiful, so last night I headed down to the beach, with a car loaded up with my dogs, my sister and her boyfriend. Armed with my camera, I wanted some pretty photos of the beach round the corner from me for my desktop up in London! I also wanted some good photos of my dogs, I miss them so much while I'm in London!

I'm so lucky to live where I do, this spot of beach is literally two minutes from my house, and I think I appreciate it a lot more now that I'm not there all the time. 

I've been doing a lot of running around this week, trying to pick things up for my holiday! My dad has this terrible habit of booking holidays very last minute so it's all been very crazy. I've also had my Uni deadline, so I've now officially finished my first year of uni! How fast did that go?!

So, I'm really excited to finally be able to tell you, now that things are all official, I have a new job! Once I get back from holiday, I'll be starting work on the YSL counter in the big Boots on Oxford Street! How exciting is that! Any of you who have been reading my blog for a while will now that YSL is genuinely one of my favourite makeup brands, I just feel like they consistently get everything right, so I am so excited to be working for them! I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot more on makeup though!

In beauty this week, it's not been a product that stole my heart, but rater the Kleenex facial cloths, which are just like giant cotton wool pads. I can use one of these to do bioderma, cleanser and toner! I also use these to dry my face after washing it, since they're much more hygenic than using a towel! In the makeup department, I've been loving my new No7 BB cream for normal to dry skin, which you can read more about in yesterday's post.

So I'm off on holiday tomorrow, I'm off to do absolutely nothing in the sun, whilst sipping cocktails!
I'm finalising all the posts for the week I'm away today, but I'm so excited to share with you all the guest posts I've lined up! I'll be sure to take a ton of photos to share with you guys!

Oh! And if you're interested, my dress is from New Look, my jacket and bag are Primark, and the rose gold and pink grips in my hair are & Other Stories.



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