Hand Dream Team

In one of this years' lesser publicised releases,  Soap and Glory released yet another hand cream. Already reining supreme in the category with the much loved Hand Food, and Endless Glove hand mask, for dry pawed folk like myself, I was quite surprised to find this on the shelf whilst stocking up on my regulation Breakfast Scrub (mmmmm, maple syrup!)

Hand Dream sits slap bang in the middle of it's predecessors, more hydrating than Hand Food, but less intense that Endless Glove. Do you need it? No, of course not, if your half way through a tube of Hand Food, stick with it. But if, like me, you find that your mitts aren't quite satisfied by Hand Food, it might be worth giving this ago. Whilst I love my Hand Food in the summer, I do find myself reaching for Endless Glove more in the winter, just for that extra boost of moisture. However, the introduction of Hand Dream, means I can reserve my Endless Glove for nighttime hand treatments, complete with pink S&G gloves.

In terms of scent, it's just the same as the others, that signature sweet S&G scent, and to be honest, the packaging is almost identical to Hand Food, you could pick this up and not realise it wasn't Hand Food til you were home quite easily.

The verdict? Don't rush out and buy this, but next time you need a new hand cream, why not give it a whirl?

Are you a S&G Hand cream fan?

1 comment

  1. So cool I have the same and I love it.^^I like your pretty blog.Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?Let me know follow you then back.Lovely greets Nessa


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