The Blogger Made Me Buy it Tag

I think we are all a little guilty of buying things because someone online said it was good, I mean, you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't value the opinion of bloggers to a certain extent, right? Well the lovely Danniella created a tag all about that...

1) Who are your most influential bloggers? Who are the ones that you really rely on for reviews and swatches?

Mostly the bloggers featured on my blog roll, but in particular Jenny Purr, LeighAnnSays and Gh0stparties. Before I buy a product I usually check out Temptalia too, she's got the best swatches! I'm pretty easily enabled really, give me a rave review and I just have to buy the product.

2) Do you buy a product solely as a result from one review from your favourite bloggers, or do you look for more reviews from others?

Normally I'll be set on a roll by one good review, when I see a review of a product I like, I always tend to look at more reviews before I buy it!It's very rare that I buy something off the back of one review!

3) What is your most favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?

Definitely NARS blushes, they are probably my favourite makeup product, and I never would have found them if it wasn't for the blogosphere, but there are so many products I've bought because of bloggers!

4) What is your least favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?

The Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. Do not understand the hype around that at all, it's cakey and it oxidises like mad! For the most part though, I tend to look into products enough that I know I'll like it!

5) Name 5 products you have bought recently as a result of blogs.

Ummmm, Revlon Matte Balms, Orly Nail Polishes in Rage and Candyfloss, Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Streak, Sally Hansen Mega Shine Extended Wear Topcoat and The Body Shop Honey Bronzer. That was far too easy to think of.

6) Have you ever given into blogger hype? If so, which hype?

Oh god, so many. The Maybelline Baby Lips, Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, The Urban Decay Naked Palettes, Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder... The list is basically endless. If a product has been hyped by bloggers, I've probably got it or had it.

7) Have you ever avoided blogger hype? If so, which hype?

The Oribe Dry Texturising Spray. I know I'm going to love it, but it's waaaaay too expensive to even consider going near! £40 for a hairspray is ridiculous, no matter how good it is!

8) Is everything you buy based on blogger reviews or are there some items you buy without checking out a review?

Sometimes if I'm in Boots I'll come across a product that I like the look of and just pick it up, but only with highstreet products, even if I find a higher end product I like the look of when I'm out I'll usually run a little google search just to see if there's anything negative on it! 

Make sure you check out Danniella's blog, and I tag Linda, Holly, Becca, & Vanessa and any of you reading this!

Are you guilty of buying products on blogger recommendations?

P.S. I've been having a makeup sort out this week, and have found a load of products I either haven't used, or used once and forgot about, would you be interested in a blog sale? Let me know! x


  1. i've just stumbled across your blog and i've got serious blogger envy! love your layout and how you take your photographs, so cute!

  2. Really nice blog post and great photo:) And yes, I would be interested in a blog sale! ;)

  3. Aah you take the nicest photos, they always add something special to your posts! I'm definitely guilty of giving in to the blogger hype around some products...Megan x

  4. I think I give into the hype too much sometimes! Babylips...So interested in the blogsale!PS: where is the plate from?

  5. I need the Urban Decay Revolution Lipsticks. I have heard so much about them and I should really just get one now.A blog sale would be lovely but dang, I live in Canada. Screw shipping restrictions! I wish I could do a swap with some of you.xxCelina | The Celution | Bloglovin

  6. Thank you so much! x

  7. Thank you! Oooh yay!

  8. Thank you! It's so easy to do! x

  9. Babylips where bad for everyone! Ooh okay! The plate was from Ikea, it was with all the candles and about 4.50, I keep my perfumes on it! xxx

  10. They're so good you need them! Ahhh that's so annoying! We should DEFINITELY do a swap in the future xxx

  11. Ahh definitely! Get you some Tarte blushes. ;)

  12. It's amaaaaaaayzing! EXACTLY! Haha I'll bear that in mind!

  13. I agree about the Oribe Dry Texturising Spray - I'm not that into hair products anyway but the price is absolutely craaaazy!

  14. I've never really been into hair products, my hair's relatively well behaved, I don't mind a few Bumble and Bumble bargains, but Oribe is just ridiculous!


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