Taking A Breather

Every day so far during 2014 this blog has seen a new beauty-related post go live. That's nearly six whole months of daily content. That's a lot of lipsticks. Today's post was supposed to be a This Week's Most Loved post, but as I write this at ten to twelve on Saturday night, I don't have the words for you. This week, I'm all out of beauty musings.

I have had a pretty manic week, back and forth between Bournemouth and London, packing for my trip next week and trying to make sure that this little corner of the internet will tick over with fresh, daily content during my absence. In truth I've payed little attention to the makeup I've worn this week, so little that I completely forgot about this post. I just have nothing to share today, so I hope you don't mind me skipping it.

So instead, my question for you, what do you think of Bed In The Kitchen? What do you enjoy about my little corner of the web, what is it that keeps you coming back? What do you enjoy reading, and what do you scroll past in your Bloglovin' feed. Be honest with me, I want you to love reading my content as much as I love creating it.

In the last hour this blog hit 1500 followers. I wish I could put into words how much this means to me, but I honestly don't know how to do the feelings justice. What I can say is that every view, every comment, every like on Bloglovin' and every tweet you guys send me makes me so so happy, and I honestly have a special place in my heart for each and every one of you. You guys are my best friends, hell, I talk to you more than anyone else.

Normal beauty related ramblings will resume tomorrow. I love you all, enjoy your Sunday.


  1. Hi Jaye, can I just say I probably would have just scrolled past this post if it was a this weeks most loved. I absolutely love your blog, the photography, unique content, frequent posts - it's all impeccable. Don't worry about taking a day off, blogging daily is bloody hard work and sometimes life just gets in the way. The fact that you've been so consistent this year is an incredible achievement and something you should be really proud of. Have a mini celebration this evening about how far Bed In The Kitchen has come, you've earned it girl!Kia x

  2. Oh Jaye your blog is so well done you could take a month off and keep gaining followers. You're pretty much the only person I follow who blogs daily and keeps up the high quality content. Only thing I want more of are FOTDs because we love seeing your face :) (cheeky creepy hungover Katy today I'm afraid. Am monsoon sheltering and catching up on what I've missed from you.) Katy xx

  3. Wow congrats on 1500! That's amazing and you totally deserve it, I definitely could not churn out daily content, I'd run out within the first few weeks! BITK has definitely earned a break! Tasha // shiwashiful.

  4. ElisabethRilatt22 June 2014 at 22:27

    Firstly, big huge congrats on 1500 followers! I'm a fairly new follower of yours but your blogs are right up there with some of my faves :) I like your honesty, the mix of products (high end and drug store) and as someone who is stickler for neatness I love the way your blog looks :) You deserve a little break! :)Lis xwww.elisabethrilatt.com

  5. For a second there you've had me worried, Jaye. From reading your post title, I thought you were going to leave us for quite awhile. I discovered Bed in the Kitchen a few months ago and instantly followed it on bloglovin. I instantly fell in love with your content. I love the way you write and your product photos are always spot on. I LOVE all of your drugstore related posts because I'm always going to be a Boots girl ;). I'm partial to your This Week's Most Loved posts as well because I always like being introduced to products that are recipients of plenty of love from the blogger. I honestly read every single one of your posts, I may not read them on the day they are published but I make sure to have a weekend catch up. Love the presentation of your content too. You've worked so hard over the last couple of months so enjoy your well deserved break. I shall see you again tomorrow. :)Ps Congrats on 1500 followers. I've no doubts that you're going to get more followers soon. So happy for you. :)Diane xxslavetovanity.blogspot.com

  6. Why do I love your blog? Oh you know, the brilliant photography, excellent posts and general makeup enabling powers that is has. You should take little breaks more often as it will only make everyone want more ;)

  7. I was wondering where you were to be honest, but I would much rather you have a break and get back to normal. I love your writing style and your photography. You're really down to earth and I like that :)Danniellawww.famousinjapan.co.uk

  8. Thank you so much Marianna! I definitely want to do more of that, it's just something that's a little tricky when I'm back and forth between London and Bournemouth, so hopefully when I'm back in London it'll be much easier! Thank you! :) xx

  9. Oh girl, you make me blush! Also, I still get a little fangirly when I see you comment on my posts, I'm like WOAAAAH THERE, WHAT'S THIS LOVELY LADY DOING HERE hahaa. I hope I make you spend all your money as punishment for all the jealousy I have of you living in Dubai. Your instagram basically makes me weep.

  10. Haha, I don't know how I do it really, sometimes I get to the end of the month and go, "how did all this happen?!" hahaa!

  11. Wow thank you so much Diane! I'm not leaving any time soon, I love this blog too much! I'm so glad you enjoy it, it really means so much to hear things like that! :) xxx

  12. The Little Blog of Beauty26 June 2014 at 22:00

    Ah bless you, you definitely deserve a break. I'm not sure how you do it to be honest, I far from work full time at the moment but often fall off my post-every-other-day schedule I try to keep to. I love your blog just as it is :) x Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  13. From what I've read of your blog you're doing just how I like it: I enjoy reading of other people's impressions and product choices! And you know I liked your blog at first sight! Congrats on your 1500 followers :-) I hit 5 ;-)gyudynotesofbeauty.blogspot.com


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