What Next?

Halfway through the year and so far Bed In The Kitchen has seen a brand new post every single day. Can we be honest here? I'm a little overworked.

I've decided to take this week off. I need a brain breather, some time to come up with some fresh, exciting new content for you guys, because this blog is my passion, and I don't want to be creating sub-par content.

So the plan is there will be no new content until next Saturday, with the exception of Wednesday, when my 31 Days in Lipstick post will still go live. I hope you guys don't mind.

Another thing, I've decided to cool it on the This Week's Most Loved posts for a while. I started them when I was mixing up products enough to have something new to talk about every week, but right now I'm not. I'm struggling to find products to talk about, and the last thing I want is for content to feel forced.

That being said, it's nice to have a regular feature to turn to on a Sunday, so if you guys have anything you'd like to see, speak now!

That goes for anything really, if there's ever a post you'd like me to do, just tell me! I always want suggestions!

Thank you all for your continued support, I love you guys!

Til next week x x x


  1. Come back sooooon <3PS TALK TO ME :(Danniella xwww.famousinjapan.co.uk

  2. Nooooooooo! Seriously though, it makes total sense. I look forward to the new posts next week! xx

  3. Hey Jaye! Totally remarkable that you have been posting everyday! deserve a break for sure! Hope you Chinese back with a lot of variety and new enthusiasm :-)

  4. Of course! You definitely deserve a break! Hope you have a relaxing week off and I'll look forward to next Saturday's post :)Nikki x

  5. You definitely deserve a break, posting every single day is so exhausting, I only do it during the holidays and I can't imagine how stressful it must be to do it all the time! Hope you enjoy your little break :)www.livinglifeindocs.com

  6. So glad you're taking some time for yourself! This is supposed to be fun, and if it's not feeling fun anymore, it's totally understandable that you'd need some space. Enjoy your week off (and looking forward to that lipstick post!).Cathttp://oddlylovely.com

  7. Good for you! We're looking forward to having you back soon!

  8. Take the break, you definitely deserve it after posting every day for so long. Look forward to reading what's new when you return!Sarah - hereyoume.co.uk

  9. I don't know how anyone does weekly loves posts! I feel like I don't try enough different things in the course of a week! Enjoy your well deserved breakAllison from www.mercuteify.com

  10. :) enjoy your break!!

  11. The Little Blog of Beauty15 July 2014 at 13:54

    Enjoy your break! I don't post every day, I try every other day if I can manage it but so far this year I've taken two week long breaks, one planned and one kind of accidental a few weeks ago and it does help if you're feeling a bit overworked x Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  12. Thanks Madeline! xxx

  13. Thank you Sarah! x

  14. Thanks Alexandra! xxx

  15. Thank you so much Cat!

  16. Thanks Courtney, that's so sweet! xx

  17. Thanks for the Support Shari! Whilst I agree with that to a certain extent, I definitely saw a drop in views when I wasn't posting! I challenged myself to post daily for a year and I really want to see that through, but I think after I might drop down again! x

  18. Hysterical delirious 3am blog post writing isn't always ideal!

  19. I do enjoy it, but I definitely need a break! Thank you! x

  20. Thank you so much Nikki! x

  21. Thank you! It is exhausting but I do love it!

  22. Thank you Divya, and thank you for always being so supportive!


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