
The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed silence from me this weekend on the blog and social media front, so I figured instead of missing the Weekly Post, I'd just drop you a little note to explain a little more.

On Thursday I had to jump in the car and drive back to Bournemouth to deal with a family emergency. This essentially meant dropping everything, cancelling meetings and driving home with a bag of assorted junk I'd thrown together in a state of mild hysteria (meaning I'm backing in Bournemouth with three pairs of socks, one jumper, no bra and two pairs of jeans, my laptop without a charger, and my eyeliner but no mascara).

I'm not going to go into too much detail right now but while I deal with this family stuff, my blog is going to be on hiatus for a while. I may be back on Tuesday, I may not be back til Christmas. I'm really sorry, especially because I had so much fun Christmassy content, including two videos and a host of gift guides on my desktop back in London ready to go, but I hope you can understand that right now I need to concentrate on being with my family.

I also wanted to thank you all for the kind messages I've received this week, it means a lot.

I hope you're all having a great weekend.

Love Jaye xxx

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