I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas, and are suitably full of turkey and Quality Street. If not you still have time, diets don't start til Friday!
I can't believe we have reached the final /52 post, it feels like just yesterday I started the series! Whilst in 2016 we won't be saying goodbye to my weekly Sunday post, it will be taking a slightly different form, which I'm pretty excited about!
I wanted to thank you all again for your support this month. I'm excited to head into 2016 with a new page, and a new attitude, and hopefully, things will be getting more positive in Chez Rockett.
So, it seems only right to end the year with my 10 happy things from the week!
1. My Grandad had his surgery, and it went as smoothly as we could have hoped. Brain surgery is pretty scary, and any surgery comes with risks, especially when you're over seventy, but I'm pleased to report my he is doing well!
2. Feeling motivated to work again. When something sad happens, it becomes really hard to do anything that doesn't involve thinking about it. On Wednesday I finally regained my work motivation, and have been really enjoying working on a few different projects.
3. My wonderful friend Carrie gave me the sweetest shout out on her blog, and it may have bought a tear to my eye. With all the emotions of the last month, it's so wonderful to know that I have so many great people around me.
4. I indulged in a very chilled Christmas day with my family, a lazy morning and eggs benedict breakfast, followed by present opening around the tree, all the food, and a cosy evening in front of the TV. Blissful.
5. Seeing my Grandad well enough to enjoy Christmas. There's going to be some rough months ahead with chemo, but for now, seeing him laughing and enjoying family time was heart warming.
6. On Boxing Day my parents and I headed over to Connor's family home for food and a few glasses of wine. I love that our families all get on so well, it felt so special to have everyone together!
7. Cosy Boxing Day evening snuggled up watching Arthur Christmas - This is one of my favourite Christmas movies!
8. My gorgeous new camera, I was lucky enough to find wrapped up under the tree!
9. The Lush sale! I stocked up on bath bombs, I should be good for a while now!
10. Sunday night playing Heads Up with Connor, Leah and Craig. All the giggles were had!
Sending all the love x
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