Ho Bloody Ho.

 Walking into my local Tesco Express last night on the hunt for more Twinnings Strawberry and Mango teabags, I noticed a glint of deep purple from the corner of my eye.
No, I thought, it can't be.
I am afraid to tell you Ladies and Gentlemen, it was.
It was a tin of Quality Street.

Now, I love Christmas as much (possibly more) than every other five year old in England (I'm going on mental age here guys, don't judge me) but really? Before you know it, I won't be able to dart to the self service till with my secret bag of Dorito's without having a Selection Box and four Christmas Puddings fall on my head before leaving. I mean, honestly, we are barely in October. If I buy my tin of Quality Street now, it'll be gone by the end of the week, the chances of even the tin still being in my flat in December are slim to none.

After seeing these last night I did a little digging. Turns out, Harrods and Selfridges already have their Christmas shops open. In fact, Harrods opened their 'Christmas World' on July 26th. July 26th. Yes I'm serious. Not only is that a full 151 days before Christmas, it's almost closer to last Christmas!

If you are one of those super organised people (like my mother) who like to 'be prepared' for Christmas, this is great for you! Get down there now and buy baubles and stockings and crackers until your fluffy elfin hearts are content. But for the rest of you, like me, who don't like to think about Christmas shopping until mid-morning Christmas eve, I'd steer clear of the high streets. After all, it's only a matter of time before Christmas cheer has flooded every store in England. I for one am savouring every last day before I have to listen to 'Let It Snow' on loop and get half strangled by tinsel just for trying to enter Topshop.

Also, look forward to seeing the exact same trend in the Christmas Aisles as you've seen on handbags, umbrellas, cars, purses, hats, cushions, blankets, jars of Marmite and even leggings this year. That's right, not to be beaten by a Jubilee and the Olympics, even Christmas is decidedly British this year. Is anyone else getting a little sick of the Union Jack this year? I mean, can we not have any purchases which aren't proudly red, white and blue? Give me a break, Christmas is a time for red, green and anything glittery/metallic, not football kits.

I don't think I've ever felt so much like Scrooge in my life.
However, if any of you fancy purchasing me a tin of Quality Street, get
in touch and I'll email you my address...(they're half price and everything, bargain!)

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