I'll admit it, I'm a lipbalm hoarder. I buy tons of the stuff. I have it in my handbag, in my bathroom, in my coat pockets, on my bedside table, and in a little jar that lives on my shelves. (The jar was like, £2 in Tesco, if you were wondering.)
But they all do different things, I promise! A lot of them I don't even use as lip balm.
Of course, I have a stash of Vaseline. Well, it would be rude not to. I use the Original one for cuts and scrapes, the Cocoa butter one for my cuticles, I massage the Aloe Vera one into my feet after a long day of wearing heels, and Rosy lips, well that one actually makes it onto my lips. Weird I know.
I've spoken about Soap and Glory's Smooch operator before, it's basically my go to one, lives in my handbag for any dry lipped emergencies! It's a lovely formula and smells great!
The Body Shop lip butter smells like sweets and all that is good in the world. I keep this one on my bedside table and load my lips up with it before bed, it's great for intense hydration, and matte lippy prep! The Figs and Rouge balm came in a Glossybox and I can't stand the smell so I don't use it. I'm actually going to give it to my dad for his dry elbows (don't ask, it's weird...).
I really feel every girl should have a flavoured lip smacker. They do literally nothing at all for your lips, but the sure taste good. And smell good. Great for an impromptu makeout sesh. The Blistex Soothing balm is my ultimate winter must have, fixes those chapped lips right up! The boyfriend pinches this alllll the time. I love the Jason's Aloe and Beeswax balm, but it weirdly tastes a little minty, and I don't like mint, so it's a use sparingly one! I got my mum to bring me back some Baby Lips from the US last month and I love it, hydrating with a little shimmer! Doesn't everyone have a tube of Chapstick somewhere? I think this was a Katy Perry inspired purchase! Blistex Lip Brilliance is great for those days when your lips need a little TLC but you want some colour too. I often top that with Rosy Lips Vaseline!
Do you have a go to lip balm?
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