2016 April Favourites

April has been a funny old month. The first half flew by, and all of a sudden I was headed to Italy, and then Paris, and the last week and a half crawled by. Isn't it funny how time is so relevant, my first couple of weeks were jam packed, busy, busy, busy, so they flew, but the last week was much slower, and much more chilled out. I can't decide what I like more. 

But all in all it was a good month, with some good product mentions to boot!

Let's start with the star of the show - the Urban Decay Afterglow Eight Hour Highlight in Sin. This stuff is the product of the moment, I got lucky and snapped up a pan at an Urban Decay boutique, but it seems this stuff has been selling like hot cakes, and has become pretty difficult to track down. I'm glad I got ahold of it because this stuff is magic - like pressed fairy dust. It's beautifully rich and buttery smooth, and the prettiest champagne shade. It's not glittery but it lends itself to a sheeny glow on the skin. Not for the faint of heart, this is beach-babe, Kim Kardashian, just-got-back-from-Coachella glow, but I bloody love it. 

I've been wearing the Givenchy Wake Up Skin Base a lot this month, a blue toned primer that erases yellow, sallow tones in the skin. I mix a little of this into my Too Faced Hangover X Primer for makeup that looks good and lasts all day. 

I've been really digging the NARS Velvet Matte Skin Tint this month, it's the perfect base for a flawless skin & natural finish combo. I love applying this with my beauty blender, it really presses it into the skin and keeps things looking fresh and natural. I've also been obsessed with the Sephora Duo Corrector Perfector, in particular the brightening shade, which has become my go to for colour correcting under my eyes. It's longwearing & doesn't crease, so it's basically the best thing ever.

And a little mention for the Maybelline The Falsies Push Up Drama Mascara. I didn't like this when I first got it, but I LOVED it after it had been open for a week or two. This isn't for the faint of heart, and could almost be described as clumpy, but it makes my lashes look super thick and voluminous. 

I had a mini Elemis facial this month at the Debenhams Beauty Press day and since then my skin has been feeling really happy. The Kiehls Cilantro and Orange Extract Pollutant Defending Masque has definitely played a big part in keeping it settled since - I'm bloody obsessed with this, read my thoughts here.  

What have you guys been loving this month?

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