Reclaiming Monday

I used to love Mondays.

I'm aware that's a strange statement, but I really did. To me, Monday was a day full of hope and possibility for a great week. It was a chance to start off on the right foot, and to accomplish on a clean slate.

These days, Mondays fill me with dread. Right now, Mondays just fill me with the impending doom of another week ahead to muddle through. Mondays are the beginning of a week bound to be filled with stress and anxiety, and a never ending to do list.

Mondays don't have to be like this though, so I'm on a mission this month, to reclaim my Mondays. To bring back a little spark of joy to the early starts, and mammoth to do list. To recognise the happy moments in every Monday, no matter how small.

Things like the gentle way my Lumi lamp wakes me up. There's something very satisfied about being gently roused from sleep by the warm glow it gives - it's definitely a nicer way to start the day.

Things like a cup of hot lemon and honey tea, bought to me in bed my my long suffering boyfriend, to be enjoyed while I catch up on a night's worth of instagrams and tweets. 

Things like an early morning yoga session to wake me up from head to toe. 

Things like a nice email amongst all the work ones. 

Things like a mid afternoon coffee break with a friend. 

Things like signing off at 5pm to cook a proper dinner with Con.

Things like cosying up on the sofa to watch last night's episode of Game of Thrones.

Things like climbing into bed feeling proud of what I've accomplished during the day.

Getting through all this family stuff right now is a lot of just taking each day at a time and not looking too far ahead.

So here's the bit where I ask for your help! I'd love if you guys could help me share the Monday happiness on Instagram, by tagging your image #ReclaimYourMonday, so we can all delight in each other's happy Monday moments! 

With love, hugs and internet cookies x

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