As a freelancer, the only real difference between weekdays and weekends for me, is that I'm the only one still working come Saturday and Sunday. I'm trying to be better at achieving things other than work at the weekends, so today I thought I'd share my weekend to do list, in case you need a little weekend inspiration.
- Start the weekend off right by clearing the decks. By Friday night, my flat tends to look like a small paperwork bomb has gone off on every surface. Spending a quick hour tidying up means I can get on with the weekend with a clear conscience, and it makes Monday morning a little easier.
- Get out on a photo walk. I always feel so inspired after spending some time out exploring with my camera. You don't even have to go out somewhere specifically, sometimes I'll just get off the tube a few stops early when I'm headed out, and walk the rest of the way looking for pretty captures.
- Try a new recipe. I'm going to do some trial baking before my picnic next week, it's the perfect excuse to get back in the kitchen, it's been so long since I've baked!
- Plan a date night in. A midweek pick me up, I'm going to plan out a dinner & movie night in with Con. We're saving for our move right now, so a budget friendly date night in is a good plan.
- Pick up some organisational tools. I need some boxes & baskets to organise my cupboards and get things ready for the big move!
- Indulge in a pamper evening. It's been so long since I've done the whole bath, facemask, mani pedi routine, and I could really use the downtime. - Have an early night. Clean PJs, fresh sheets, a hot cup of tea, candles and Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Bliss.
What are your plans for the weekend?
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