A Little Shopping Never Did Anyone Any Harm...

So the lovely Holly (read; bad influence) came up to London yesterday, so we could check out a press day, lounge around eating burgers and succumb to a Starbucks or two (more on those things later). Now of course, when coming all this way, it would be rude not to do a little shopping! I managed to pick up a few bits I've been after for ages, so no complaints, and I was much more restrained than Holly...

I finally picked up the most recent issue of Hunger. By far my favourite magazine! Not exactly handbag friendly though...

Firstly, I've been after some above knuckle rings for ages, but I'm too poor for the pretty ones from The Bohemian Collective, and I'm lazy and didn't want to order any online, so I was waiting for them to come back in stock in River Island! I picked these up in small and large so I could wear them on many a finger, and at £2 for two, they're a real bargain! I also picked up a cute thumb ring for two pounds, and these adorable little swallow earrings, for a bargain £1.50.

My friend Melisa had a gorgeous notebook at uni today, that the stationary addict that I am instantly fell in love with. When perusing Funky Pigeon in Liverpool Street Station I found it! Not wanting to be a copy cat, I went for this one instead, which I feel is a little more me! 

Whilst still being in morning for Let The Good Times Roll (how dare you Lush, there are just no words), I have been reluctant to buy anything from Lush in protest. However, needs must and I swear by Lush cleansers, so I picked up this one for around a fiver. I have high hopes, but I'll get back to you on it!

Also, how pretty is this nail file from The Vintage Cosmetic Company? I love it!

Are you proud? NO MAKEUP! I think I deserve a prize. Maybe some new Bobbi Brown foundation...


  1. LoveForBeauty9 May 2013 at 12:29

    Love the jewellry! They look so nice xx

  2. Photo-Jenn-ic9 May 2013 at 17:33

    love the notebook!PhotoJennic

  3. Sophie Bradley9 May 2013 at 18:32

    Yay! Glad you found above knuckle rings! I found & Other Things. I wasn't massively impressed to be honest but I'll I've it another chance another day :)Sophs xwww.laviesophie.com

  4. Disclaimer - I take no responsibility for items purchased whilst in my company! xxx

  5. They're lovely! I want to buy more! xx

  6. Thanks! Isn't it awesome!

  7. Me too! We weren't either actually, think they must have been having an off day! x

  8. Ahhhh I blame you! xxx


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