The Skincare Series: Spot Fighters

We all have those days, when you wake up and discover the holy mother of breakouts on your face, that makes you just want to crawl back into bed and sleep until it's gone. For me, these tend to occur when I'm hormonal (damn you Mother Nature, periods, pregnancy and childbirth weren't enough, were they?), or if a cheeky Two for Tuesday order just happened. I hate looking spotty, it totally whacks my confidence, so I now have an arsenal of products that hit the skincare shelf at the first sign of spots.

I try to strip my morning and evening skincare routine down to the bare, natural, essentials. I use the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish with a clean muslin cloth, twice, to really cleanse my skin. I use this because there's no nasties in there, and it's very very gentle. From there, I spritz the Lush Tea Tree Water over my face, since it's antibacterial and antiseptic.

In terms of tackling the breakouts directly, there are two products I reach for. For little bumpy spots, I reach for Grease Lightening, I pop this on before bed, and wash it off in the morning and this normally gets rid of most things. For hardcore breakouts, I pick up the Nip and Fab Spot Fix, which is similar but a little more heavy duty, since it also contains Salicylic Acid.

Two face masks that come out to play, Lush's Catastrophe Cosmetic and Origins Clear Improvement masks. Catastrophe Cosmetic I use for spots and if my skin is feeling temperamental, it contains camomile which is super soothing on the skin. I use Clear Improvement to sort clogged pores, and blackheads. These two masks work really well for me, I reach for these when I want fast results!

What are your top spot fighting products?


  1. I have a crazy blemish on my chin right now, and NOTHING it working! I swear I feel like I've grown another limb.Charlotte - x

  2. Oh no! See if you can get a hold of the Nip+Fab one, it's awesome, and the Lush face mask is a miracle worker! xx

  3. Really want to try the lush face masks!

  4. They're amazing!


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