I've never been a person who naturally embraces organisation, in fact, quite the opposite. My mother and I have a long standing war over my bedroom which, I'll be honesty, has been a travesty for most of my life. But recently I've been feeling the need for a little less in my life, my family has been going through a lot recently and I think when something awful happens, it kind of makes you re-evaluate your life priorities a lot.
So armed with a ton of books and blog posts on minimalist living and decluttering, my goal for 2016 is to strip back the unnecessary excess from my life. I know it won't be easy because I'm definitely something of a natural born hoarder, but I seem to be charged with organisational motivation right now, so I figured I'd seize the moment!
And I thought I'd share my journey with you! I know minimalism is the hot new thing right now but if you're anything like me you'll find the idea of capsule wardrobes and only one lipstick totally horrifying, so I'm hoping to try and find some kind of balance between excess and emptiness in my home.
So if you're interested in following along, hearing my tips of what works and what doesn't, tales of my disastrous attempts at decluttering, etc, etc, then sign up below! I'll be sending out one email on a week, on a Wednesday lunchtime, no more, no spam, and I'm looking forward to sharing this with you!
Love this idea Jaye. I've been trying to do something similar myself but failing miserably so can't wait to get my email updates to help me along the way! Lots of love xxx