I had a massive sort out of my desk space last week, so I figured I'd give you a little tour of the new set up. I'm super pleased with how it all turned out, and it's become a much easier space to work in. A lot less clutter, and a lot more happy!
My desk & the shelf are from Ikea, and I have a small Ikea Helmer unit to the side that holds paperwork & any other clutter. If you've read my blog for a while you'll know my boyfriend built my computer, it's technically a Mac Pro, with a Samsung Screen. I love it because it's speedy and has a ridiculous amount of storage for all my photos.
The big metal grid was a late night Amazon purchase (find it here), I love how it looks lent against the wall behind my desk. I've clipped to it my Rifle Paper Co Coffee & Tea Calendar, a postcard from Paperchase, a couple of polaroids, and a Camera Cheat Sheet I got at the WishWishWishXMyLittleBox Photography workshop. I much prefer how tidy this looks compared to all the stuff I had stuck on the wall before. Since taking these photos I've weaved some fairy lights around the edges and it looks super cute!
My copper lamp may just be the one true love of my life. This was a HomeSense bargain, I love the copper tones and the exposed springs, it's very industrial looking and totally my style! Next to it I have my Gold Belkin iPhone Dock, my Daenerys Targaryen Pop Figure, and a rose gold bottle brush tree I couldn't bare to get rid of after Christmas! The big candle on the edge of my desk is also from Anthropologie, it's a three wick Fireside candle that basically smells like bonfires - I love it.
Last few bits, I keep my pens in a cup from Ikea, along with my gorgeous brass scissors from Kikki K. I have a little money tin that I found in Waterstones, full of loose change to spend on donuts, because everyone needs one of those! Under the shelf I have an old Birchbox with spare camera batteries & memory cards, my iPad, and my reading glasses in their Happy Jackson case!
And that's it! How long do you think I'll be able to keep this tidy for?
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