10 Things That Can Instantly Help Improve a Bad Day

  1. Lighting your favourite candle. Okay so lighting that Diptyque candle is literally like burning money, but sometimes you have to do it. 
  2. Adult colouring books. You're never too old. I love this one, the designs are beautiful and intricate, and taking fifteen minutes out to concentrate on this can really help. 
  3. Drinking a giant cup of your favourite tea. Tea helps everything.
  4.  Getting some Headspace. Download the Headspace app to your iPhone and take ten minutes out to just clear your mind.
  5. Making your favourite meal. Or favourite snack. Or hell, just eating your feelings, it's allowed sometimes. 
  6. FaceTiming family. Nothing like a pep talk from a take no prisoners mum to perk you up.
  7. Getting engaged on Twitter. Sometimes if I'm having a down moment, I'll scroll through my feed and reply to a load of tweets. Just get talking to people. 
  8. Have some pamper time. A bubble bath or a hot shower, a fresh manicure or a face mask. Just take some time for you. 
  9. Exercise. Whether that means pulling on your trainers for a run around the block, or pulling up  a Blogilates video. Get the blood pumping.
  10. Going back to bed. Sometimes, you just need a good old fashioned nap. Preferably accompanied by teddy bears/kittens/Ryan Gosling.

1 comment

  1. I definitely needed this post today. Got my favourite Yankee burning and off to make the worlds biggest & sugariest cup of tea x

    Charlotte / coloursandcarousels


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