Party season is in full swing and that means the morning after is happening even more often. Over the last couple of years I've got my post-party routine down to a tee, so that within an hour I can go from being half human to remotely resembling a human. Which is pretty impressive, no?
So I usually start off the whole process by pouring myself a giant glass of iced water, and if I have it I'll squeeze half a lemon or lime in too. I can't stress how important this is, not just for getting rid of a headache, but it makes a massive difference to how awake you feel, and how your skin looks too.
As far as hair goes, I tend to just brush it out, spritz a ton of dry shampoo in at the roots, and if it's good enough to leave, I'll just let it do it's thing, if not I'll shove it up in a big bun, and add some kinda glitzy clip to distract!
I then start by getting any remnants of makeup off that may have slipped by the night before. The best thing for this I think is The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter, which is as easy as rubbing it all over your face and washing it off. It really does get every last scrap of makeup off without leaving your face feeling stripped at all. I then like to follow up with the Yes To Grapefruit Exfoliating Face Wipes which really brightens up the skin and leaves it looking fresh and healthy. I like to go in with the Origins Ginzing Eye Cream, which is a peachy iridescent shade that really brightens the under eye area. I like to spritz my skin with the Caudalie Beauty Elixir, which I find really helps add some brightness, before going in with the Boots Botanics Beauty Balm, a peachy balm with a hint of shimmer, that helps add some colour back into your skin.
Also before going in with makeup, I like to use my Optrex Brightening Eye Drops, to stop my eyes feeling dry and itchy, and to brighten them up again! If I've got a headache, this is where I'll add a little 4Head to my temples, which really helps clear your head.
On to makeup! My rule here is usually less is more, you don't want to look like you've caked makeup on to cover stuff up, you just want to improve! Generally my skin is still not looking tip top, so you want to go with a good coverage base, but that still looks natural. As always, my top pick for this is the Jouer Matte Moisture Tint, which is essentially perfect skin that still looks natural. Paired with a good brightening concealer this is a great base option! If my skin still needs a little boost, I like to dust the MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Lightscapade over my skin too give it a little oomph.
As far as the rest of my face is concerned, I try to keep it as simple as possible. Because who can be bothered to spend loads of time on their makeup after a late night? I like to use a little bit of brightening blush (something like the Dior Rosy Glow Blush), a little bit of nude liner on my waterline, a good thickening mascara & a tinted lip balm. Tinted lip balm is great because it's gonna help add moisture in, give you a bit of colour, but it's a really low maintenance lip option!
What do you do to put yourself back together post party?
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