April To Do List

I've been really enjoying putting together these little monthly to do lists. With all the life drama right now, it's nice to have little reminders to inject a little happy into my day to day life. This months to do list is all about going back to basics. 

- Spend less, appreciate more. Stop spending money and start experiencing more. This month I want to get out with just me and my camera, and explore a little more. 
- Take more evenings off. I'm definitely guilty of spending too much time glued to my screens, so I want to take more evenings off to spend time with Con, read a book, get outside - just be present, not working. 
- Streamline more. Everything from my inbox to my wardrobe, I want to cut back and just keep the good stuff. 
- Get writing. Not for work, or for my blog, or to grow my portfolio, but for me. 
- Start Spring cleaning! We will be leaving the flat by the end of the year, and moving will be much easier if things are clean and organised! 
- Make more time for good friends. They deserve it. 
- Be home more. With everything going on my parents could use the extra hands. 
- Find a routine I can stick to. I'm never going to be a morning person, but getting up at 6am one day and 11am the next is not doing my body any good. I'm exhausted and I need a little routine in my life. 

What are your plans for the month? 

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