Starting The Week Off Right

Monday morning is always a tough one. It doesn't seem to matter that I generally work weekends too, I still seem to feel those Monday morning blues. For me, Monday sort of sets the gauntlet for the week ahead. A good Monday sets me up for a good week, where productivity reigns and I reach Sunday feeling pretty good about my accomplishments. A bad Monday though generally means I'll reach Sunday not really sure what happened in the days between, and knowing my to do list is no shorter.

So, since that's not really the ideal situation to be in, I try my very hardest to make my Mondays a success - and these are my top tips.

Start Slow.

Starting your day off rushing around, stressing about what you need to get done is not going to do you any good at all. But starting the day in a way that puts a smile on your face? Well that will. Whether it's whipping yourself up a tasty smoothie for the commute, making time for a quick yoga sesh, or just breakfast with your OH before cracking on, always start the week with something positive.

Plan your Attack.

Not just for the day, but for the week. I use this planner from Kikki.K. to jot down major tasks and meetings that I want to achieve on each day, and then do a more detailed to do list each morning. That way, you're not stumbling into the week blind! I always try to pick more enjoyable tasks for a Monday morning, like meetings or photography sessions, saving the more boring stuff for a Tuesday when my brain's a little more awake! 

Leave the Emails.

At least until the afternoon. Emails are like a black hole, they suck you in and before you know it the day's gone. I leave my inbox til Tuesdays, tackling anything urgent after lunch on Monday if need be. Instead, pick a task that will make you feel like you've achieved something when you can tick it off your list before your lunchbreak.

Reward Yourself.

For me, half of getting through Monday is knowing it will, in fact, end. Have something good planned as a reward for when you make it to the end of the working day. A glass of wine, a bubble bath, or a meal with friends - just something to look forward to when you're tackling something tedious.

What are your tips for surviving Mondays? 

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