Productive Procrastination

Sometimes, procrastination is a good thing. Maybe you're losing concentration and you need a boost, or maybe you're not feeling great, maybe you're like me and you work better with less time on your hands. Or hey, maybe you just don't want to tackle that to do list just yet. 

As something of a procrastination expert, I've kind of perfected the way to procrastinate productively. I think it's a working from home thing, sometimes you just need a break!

- Pinterest. Now I know that it's easy to get lost on Pinterest and not surface for days, but hear me out here. Pinterest is also a really useful tool. For example, on my to do list this month is order new business cards, so the other day when I needed a break from writing, I used Pinterest to create a board of inspiration for new business cards. Not only was this a great, relaxing twenty minutes of looking at pretty pictures, it gave me a much clearer idea of what I want! 

-  Making Soup. Stick with me hear, I'm aware this is a weird one! Soup is SO easy to make, it's healthy, and you can make it in bulk and freeze it, so you've got a few lunches covered for the rest of e week. It gets you up and out of your desk chair, and you get to create something, which can really help boost your mood, productivity and inspiration levels!

-  Writing blog posts. Now this won't work for everyone, but as I work as a writer, I'm constantly conforming to briefs and what other people want, so when I get to sit down and create content for my blog, it's a relief, because I'm in charge, and I'm creating content I love. 

- Yoga. I know I know, I'm always banging on about yoga. But taking twenty minutes that would have been spent mindlessly surfing the Internet, and using it for a quick Vinyasa or a round of Sun Salutations is going to be so much more beneficial for your body and your mind. 

-  Reading an actual, real life book. Do people still know what these are? I'm kidding of course, but when was the last time you sat down with a real good book? I've gotten really into non fiction books recently, something I never thought I'd say, but I love taking out a bit of time with a cup of tea to learn something new. 

- Organising my makeup collection. Or organising anything really. I'm a pretty messy person, so taking the time to organise my life can only be a good thing. 

- Making lists. As a very visual human, I respond well to having things written down in front of me! I have lists upon lists, and lists of lists. I often think I'd spontaneously combust if I lost my lists. 

- Take a class on Skillshare. This is my latest obsession, what better way to procrastinate than to learn a new skill? Whether I just can't write anymore, or I want to consume something constructive whilst I'm planning my week or writing a blog post, I'm totally obsessed with Skillshare right now. I'm thinking about putting together a post on my favourite classes, if that would interest you guys? 


  1. My productive procrastination definitely comes in the form of blogging and commenting on blogs (totally not what I'm doing at the moment :P) but at least I'm doing something productive! xx

  2. I read real, live, paper novels every day and I'll never stop ;).

  3. I'm so jealous, I wish I had the time! I read them at home when I can, but I do download books to read on my iPad on the tube, otherwise I kill my shoulders carrying heavy books!

  4. Haha! That's true, I quite often take a blog commenting break! xx

  5. It's really great, I'll definitely try to put together a post about it! Ahh I hope it helps!

  6. For me it's a conscious decision/choice to put away all electronics and open my book at a certain stage in the evening. I don't have Netfix ;). I can imagine that with your thesis deadline looming, blogging and having a life it's hard to find the time now though, and that when you relax you need it to be pretty passive. That'll change sometime though so there's hope :D. I work and have two kids to I don't read a book every three days like I used to (more like every 3 days) but I do my bit every day LOLOL!


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