Following up on last week's Investing in Skincare post, I figured I'd best give you a quick tour of where you can afford to save too!
Makeup Removers: Cleansers are doing the good stuff, makeup removers are literally just doing that, removing your makeup. There are SO many effective makeup removers on the market for very little, so save your pennies here and splurge on a good cleanser instead. I love The Body Shop Sumptuous Camomile Cleansing Butter, and Bioderma Sensibo H20.
Toner: There's a lot of debate about the actual use of toners and whether they do anything, it all really comes down to personal preference. I personally love them, and my skin does too, but there is no need to splash out here, you're just looking for something with a short ingredients list, preferably in a spray bottle! I love Lush Tea Tree Toner Water, and La Roche Posay Serozinc.
Spot Treatment: A good spot treatment doesn't have to cost the earth, in fact, my favourite way to bust a zit is to get some good old fashioned tea tree oil on it! Don't be tempted by so called 'wonder creams' with exorbitant price tags, when there's so much good stuff at the drugstore. I love Lush Grease Lightening, The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil, Nip and Fab Spot Fix.
Face Scrubs: I personally don't use a face scrub too often, I find them a bit harsh and abrasive generally to use on a day to day basis. That being said, I still indulge once a week or so whilst in the shower, to keep my skin looking fresh, and ALL my favourites can be found in the drugstore. I love Lush Let The Good Times Roll, Boots Botanics Hydrating All Bright Face Scrub & Soap and Glory Scrubatomic.
I hope that helps some of you out, I know skincare can be so confusing, but it doesn't have to be!
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