Things You Will Always Find In My Handbag

My handbag always contains a ramshackle assortment of odds and ends, from mangled receipts to spoons I'm not sure I've ever seen before. There is, however, a kit of essentials I'll always have on hand, no matter my handbag size.

Spare Camera Batteries: The amount of times I've been caught short with my camera and the battery I thought was full dies. I tend to keep a couple of batteries rattling around in my bag for those moments!
Sunglasses: Because you just can't predict the Great British weather and just because it's grey and rainy, doesn't mean the sun won't appear later on!
Wet Wipes: Because I can't walk past a beauty counter without getting makeup all over my hands. And Boots never has any tissues. Facts of life guys.
Hand Sanitizer: Because I live in London. And it's dirty.
Tea: I don't like normal tea or coffee, so I keep a few tea bags in my handbag for when I can't find anything out. It's easier to get flavoured teas now than it was a few years ago, but it's still tricky sometimes. Teapigs Lemon and Ginger tea is the current favourite!
iPod and headphones: Because I don't like socialising.
Rescue Remedy Pastilles: For moments of stress and panic. 
Hand Cream: Because all the hand sanitizer dries my hands out.
Avene Cold Cream Lip Balm: My most favourite lip balm for on the go. Super hydrating and thick and wonderful.
Caudalie Beauty Elixir: Because who doesn't need an expensive slightly pointless face spray.
Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Balm in 03: My favourite handbag lip product of all. The perfect moisturising lip balm with a hint of tint.

What are your handbag must haves?

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