How I Stay On Top Of My To Do List

Staying on top of your to do list is hard at the best of times, but especially when life is getting in the way. September has been a manic month for me in so many ways, aside from the fact that this is the month we leave London (tonight is our last night in the flat, sob), so there was a lot of life stuff happening, I totally wasn't anticipating my month to start with my dad having a nasty accident. It totally threw me off for the first few weeks, and whilst I'd hoped to spend the month making the most of our last few weeks in London, I've ended up being home in Bournemouth with my dad. 

Despite all this craziness, I've inexplicably managed to stay, mostly, on top of my to do list. Now don't get me wrong, there was a lot of things I wanted to get done this month that wasn't necessary that fell by the wayside, but everything I needed to get done, got done.

So whilst I'm feeling motivated and on the ball, I thought I'd share my tips for getting shit done even when you barely have time to brush your hair. That way if you're feeling frazzled, maybe this will help, and I'll have this to look back on when I inevitably lose my mojo!
Prioritise, and be brutal.
Like I said, when life started to get in the way, I dropped off the to do list clutter. You know the stuff you have on your list that you'd like to do but it's just not important - get rid of it. Sure, it would have been great to have gotten weekly videos up this month, but looking after my dad & getting paid work done was more of a priority, so that plan went.
Break it down. 
Instead of 'deep clean the kitchen', break that down into individual tasks, 'reorganise cupboards', 'clean out drawers', 'mop floor' - and you'll find getting it done much easier. Not only because you won't waste time stood around wondering where to start, but also because if you have a spare five minutes, you're more likely to tick off 'mop kitchen floor' than 'deep clean kitchen'. 
Give yourself deadlines.
Whether that means setting a time to complete a certain task by, or writing in particular tasks on a particular day on your calendar, you're much more likely to get stuff done on a time crunch. Be firm but reasonable, the longer you give yourself the longer you'll procrastinate!

How do you tackle your to do list? 

Photo by Verity

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