Autumn Resolutions

As we head into a new season, my favourite of them all, I've been doing a little reflecting on the Summer, and thinking about what I want in the months ahead. So, something a little different for you today, I thought I'd share my thoughts.

Take more photos. I was looking through the photos that have accumulated on my phone during the last four years of iPhone ownership, and I realised that over the last six months I've taken a lot less photos than I normally would. I want to start carrying my actual camera around with me more too, the quality of photo is so much better, it completely changes the picture.

Make healthier choices. On the whole, my life is pretty healthy, I walk a lot, I exercise, I always cook with fresh ingredients, and we eat a lot of fruit and veg, but during my summer back home, I seem to have lapsed and keep finding myself at the bottom of a Pringles can, with three empty packets of Jaffa Cakes in my bed. I feel better when I eat better, so I want to get back into that!

Work on fixing my body. From years of dancing and dodgy parental bone structure (sorry mum!), I struggle with a lot of hip & knee problems. Before the summer, I was regularly seeing a Biomechanic who was working wonders, but being out of London means I haven't had a session in three months and I'm feeling a little worse for wear again. I hate having to restrict my plans, or rely on others for help because of faulty body bits, and I want to be able to do things like go for a run with my boyfriend without having to stop ten minutes in because my hips gone.

See more of what London has to offer. I'm entering my third and possibly final year of living in the big smoke, and there's still so much I want to do. Still to tick off my list is Columbia Road Flower Market, The Tower of London, afternoon tea in a fancy hotel & a lot more!

Travel with the Boy. I don't mean far, I don't even mean out of England. But I've never been to Cambridge, Brighton, hell, even East London. I love exploring new towns with The Boy, and I want to do more of it!


What do you want to do more of this autumn?

1 comment

  1. Great goals for the next few months! I also need to make healthier choices! I eat well at meal times - salads for lunch, mostly healthy breakfasts and home cooked dinners but snacking is my downfall!Ioanna |


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