Things About This Week

Hello again! Sorry for disappearing on you there, it was completely unexpected. I had a few camera issues that not only prevented me from taking new photos, it also wiped all the photos I'd already taken (including a few of my holiday snaps! :( ). However, as of today things should be running smoothly again, so normal service will resume tomorrow!

Since I couldn't take any nice photos of makeup for you, I thought I'd instead share a few photos and snippets of my week with you!

The boy has had this week off and this is BIG NEWS. He's been working 45 hours a week since May, and usually quite unsocial hours, so we haven't had much time to spend together. So we have two weeks before we have to head back to London, in which time he only has four shifts to work, so operation spend time together has commenced!

On Tuesday we had 'date day'. We hopped in the car after a lazy lie in and drove up to Portsmouth. It takes a little over an hour, but it's all motorways so it's not too bad. We spent the day shopping (surprisingly, the boy was much more spendy than me), before grabbing lunch and a movie! The Boy bought a gorgeous new hoodie from Ralph Lauren that I'm planning on stealing, and we bought an obscene amount of chocolate in the Cadbury Outlet. We then headed to Yo Sushi which is probably our favourite chain restaurant, even though I don't eat fish, before catching the new Inbetweeners movie. We splurged the extra £1.75 each (woah there, I know, pushing the boat out) for VIP seats, which is so worth it in Vue cinemas, you get like a full on lazy boy armchair. We headed home at around 7, armed with an M&S meal for two, to watch Don't Tell The Bride. Wild, aren't we.

One of my favourite things to do when I'm home is take the dogs for a walk, since I miss the dogs and the countryside so much when I'm in London. On Wednesday evening we decided to walk into town with my dog (a black Cockapoo named Finn), and Connor's dog (a little Lhasa Apso called Pebbles, whose tongue is too big for her mouth). We sat on an outside table at La Tasca in the Square, ordered a ridiculous amount of Tapas and watched the world go by. We then burnt it all off by walking across the golf course, and throwing the tennis ball until even the dogs had had enough. I got eaten alive by mosquitos but it was worth it.

I've been trying to find new ways to unwind in the evenings, and so I recently ordered this colouring book from Amazon, and have been spending my evenings slowly filling it in, armed with a large cup of tea and binge watching Once Upon a Time (sidenote: why didn't anyone tell me about this show sooner?). It's incredibly detailed and intricate, definitely a colouring book for grownups, and the patterns are so beautiful!

Yesterday the boy and I weren't feeling too hot, so we spent the day in bed, we ordered a horrific amount of pizza and spend most of the day being massive geeks, playing World of Warcraft. Don't judge me okay, you'd be surprised how therapeutic it is!

Leave a comment and tell me what you guys have enjoyed doing this week! I love hearing about your lives!

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