8 Things I'm Thankful for This Week

  1. Colder days. Do you know how long I've been waiting for colder days for? I am not a summer person, I hate wasps and heat and sweat and ice cream, I like crispy leaves and chilly breezes and hot apple cider and blankets. FINALLY this week the temperature has dropped below 10 degrees (no mean feat since it was 24 degrees on Halloween in London). I'm too excited.
  2. Impromptu FaceTime seshes with my mama. I miss my family (and my puppies) so much right now, and it's nice to have an hour or so chatting to my mum in the middle of the day whilst I'm working.
  3. Good blogging friends. I saw the wonderful Tami again this week and this girl is like my spirit animal. We can just chat for hours and hours about anything and everything, and I always feel so good after seeing her!
  4. Berry lips. This is a big one, because I'm normally TERRIFIED of berry lips, but right now I'm loving them. They feel so autumnal and cosy and wonderful. Can a lipstick feel cosy?
  5. Terry's Toffee Crunch Chocolate Oranges. The ultimate desk companion.
  6. Bubble baths. The ultimate stress cure. 
  7. My slow cooker. I've got a dissertation to write, a magazine to create and a blog to run, I don't have time for cooking. Thanks to my slow cooker, this week we've had pulled pork, chicken and sweet potato casserole, chilli and meatballs. Dee-lish.
  8.  Being able to see my parents regularly. Partly because I miss them, and partly because when I leave my phone charger at home, I get it back in under a week.

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