I have the attention span of a gnat, and the concentration levels of a 3 year old, so getting into a productive workspace is something I find really, really hard, but it's pretty important. I've gotten into a pretty good routine in the last few months, when I've had to really crack down on my dissertation, but things have to be just so.
- A list. Without a list I am 100% redundant. I have literally no direction or guidance whatsoever. Things have to be broken down into small tasks as well, not just clean flat, or work on dissertation. For example, my to do list right now says: write 400 words on the cultural significance of new media, organize TV cupboard, empty fridge, do a white washing load, wash makeup brushes, and photograph blog posts from 15th-20th of January. It's gotta be little tasks that I can tick off quickly and feel like I'm getting somewhere.
- Deskspace. There's no point in me sitting down and trying to work on my bed, or on the sofa, I won't achieve a thing. I need to be sat up at a desk with everything I could possibly need to hand. I also need my space to be tidy, and look pretty. Otherwise I get distracted and try and tidy up, or rearrange things. See, attention span of a gnat.
- Makeup. Sounds silly, but I get a lot more done if I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I guess I just feel ready for the day (or less like I can just climb back into bed).
- A big bottle of water. Preferably also containing a handful of assorted chopped fruit. Anything that involves me using my brain means I will need tons of water.
- Background music. I don't understand these people (ahem, my boyfriend) who need complete and utter silence to work. I'd go crazy if all I could hear is my own brain. I like to have something chilled just playing quietly in the background, it keeps me sane!
- Time constraints. This is partially to stop me getting bored and partially to stop me going insane. I'm not one of these people who can sit and spend hours working on the same project, I just can't, it's not in my nature. I like to split my day up into bite sized chunks and assign a task to each section. If I finish a task early, great I get time to relax, and if I reach the end of a time limit and I'm not done, I put whatever I'm doing down, move on to something else, and come back to it later. It helps keep perspective and a fresh view too.
- Snacks. I firmly believe there are two types of people in this world, the meal eaters, and the constant grazers. I fall into the latter. I like to keep my fridge fully stocked with snacks and treats to keep me going throughout the day, and in my desk I always keep a little supply of pick me up treats, just in case the situation gets really dire.
- Daylight. It sounds silly, but I need a good hefty dose of preferably daylight, so I have a Lumie Lamp on my desk which I basically stick right in front of my face, for when the day is a little grey.
- Naps. I need naps okay. I'm basically an angsty three year old, and if I don't get a nap I just totally burn out and achieve nothing. I tend to stay up fairly late because I work better at night, so I like to schedule in an hour for napping in the afternoon. No shame in that guys.
- Something to look forward to. It doesn't need to be exciting, hell, most of the time it's not, but there are little things in everyday life that I really enjoy, so sometimes it's getting stuff done so I can go for coffee with the boy when he gets home, or going for a walk, or going for a wonder round the shops, it's even sometimes just doing the food shop.
What are your top tips for being productive?
Lists are definitely becoming my best friends (yep, I need to go out more haha), especially since I entered university :) xx
ReplyDeleteI will have to look back at this post when I go back to school in September (hoping I get into the program I want) because I will have to study a lot and it will help me so much!! xx
ReplyDeleteAlexandra | The A Style | Beauty and lifestyle
Definitely agree with lists! There's something so satisfying about crossing things off on a list that keeps you motivated.
ReplyDeleteLizzy from Nomad Notebook