5 Ways To Feel Better In A Day

Sometimes, it's easy to go through our day to day lives not feeling 100% amazing, and we forget that it's possible to feel better. I've been trying to implement five little changes into my everyday life, to help me feel at the top of my game all day, everyday.

  1. Get outside. Sometimes it's so easy to pass an entire day at my desk, or where the only time spent outside is the brief walk to the tube station. Whether it's a 30 minute brisk morning walk round the park before work, or getting off the tube a stop early and walking the rest of the way, I've been trying to make sure I spend more time out in the fresh(ish - I do live in London after all) air. It really helps me feel energised, and helps me keep perspective too.
  2. Make Vitamin C your BFF. I've started taking Vitamin C supplements every morning and you wouldn't believe the difference it makes. Not only in my general energy levels, but also, I haven't had a cold all winter *touch wood*.
  3. Put down your phone. I've made a point of having phone-free time every day, whether it's when I'm making my lunch or at the end of the day leaving my book in the other room whilst I curl up with a book, it's nice to have some quiet time away from the constant chatter of social media.
  4. Drink more water. An obvious one I know, but the more water I drink, the more energetic I am, the better my skin looks, and the brighter I feel. Water is like pure body fuel, it does amazing things for us.
  5. Smile more. It sounds silly, but taking the time to think about things that make you happy, or having a five minute cat video break, or even just smiling for no reason whilst you're going about your day makes such an incredible difference to your mental state. I'm pretty sure smiling encourages happy hormones!

What steps do you take to feel your best?

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