Skincare Lessons I've Learnt

  1. Forgetting to take your makeup off before bed will always end badly.
  2. In times of crisis less is more. Stripping your skincare routine back to basics when it's freaking out is always the best bet.
  3. Even oily skin needs oil. Rosehip oil is everyone's best friend.
  4. What you eat will manifest on your face. You can't live on pizza and fries and expect clear skin.
  5. Cleanse and cleanse again.
  6. We need to drink more water.
  7. When you find something that works for your skin, never let it out of your sight.
  8. Manual exfoliants are too harsh to use regularly.
  9. Skincare products packed full of fragrance will never work for my skin.
  10. Everyone needs Tea Tree Oil in their stash.

What skincare lessons have you learnt?

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