
Can you believe it's March? I certainly can't.

This week was long and short all in the same breath. In terms of getting work done, it flew by, and I got basically nothing done. But otherwise, it just dragged. I'm hoping to breath some new energy into my life next week, get lots done, and just generally feel a bit better. 

There have been lots of good moments this week, dinner with my mum, a day at the spa with my dad, two dates with The Boy, but it's been one of those weeks where the fog of anxiety has taken precedent. Yoga is definitely helping, as is the restock of Rescue Remedy I had this week! 

I even managed to stick to my goal of getting out more in London this week, and took a long stroll with The Boy along the river, calming and pretty damn gorgeous.

I hope you all have a wonderful, productive and happy week! x


  1. I definitely can't believe it's March already, time flies. That's a gorgeous photo. I hope the fog of anxiety clears for you a little.

  2. I'm so glad its march, i just wish the weather would warm up a bit, i own far too many "summer" clothes =]


  3. I should really start with Yoga, it's just so nice for a lot of things. But I'm also lazy as heck, lol.

  4. I'm SO lazy but it's becoming a habit and it feels SO good!

  5. A little bit of sunshine would be nice!

  6. It does indeed! London is so beautiful! Thanks Lisa x


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