36/52: Surviving a Week Alone

I'm writing this week's post snuggled up on the sofa, under a big thick blanket because MAN it's cold. September has most definitely made it's presence known, and already the leaves are falling and there's a bite to the air that wasn't there last week.

Despite the bank holiday, this week has felt so long. Connor was away for most of the week, and I was dreading the time he was away. We've been together so long now, and we've been living together for two years, so I've grown so used to him being around. I'm a very erratic and anxious person, and Connor is the total opposite, he's a calming presence, he helps keep me level. Usually when he's away I struggle to keep my cool, but this week's jam packed schedule didn't give me much time for anxiety. It was kind of nice to know that I can survive without him, but I'm so glad he's back.

Shall we talk happy things?

1. Cast your minds back to last Sunday (it feels like forever ago), I think it may have been the perfect day. A lie in, followed by breakfast with my family out at one of our favourite restaurants. A quick trip into town with my sister for a little light shopping, before heading home for a dad-cooked roast (the very best kind). A chilled out, family day.

2. My plans for a lazy bank holiday were scuppered when my dad had to make an emergency trip up to London to drop some product off at a job. I joined him for the ride (which thanks to bank holiday traffic took nearly five hours to get there) to keep him company, and we made a pit stop for burgers, and I picked up a cheeky pretzel too!

3. We drove through Central London to get to the work site, and it was so good to see London from a different perspective. I'm so used to rushing around from A to B when I'm there, that you forget to look around. I love London in the rain, and watching it from the comfort of the heated seat in the nice warm car was amazing!

4. Connor is allergic to cats so normally my room is a cat-free zone, but since he was gone I let Astrophe in, for Netflix and snuggles. The cat actually watches TV with me, it's a bit weird.

5. I headed back to London midweek since I had a few meetings and a big old to do list. I was worried that I'd feel more lonely in our flat on my own, but the wonderful Daphne came and stayed the night to keep me company! A girlie sleepover never goes amiss!

6. I finally made it for breakfast at Bill's, after a lot of fantastic meals there! If you get the chance to pop in for a meal at any time of the day, it's definitely worth it!

7. I managed a sushi dinner date with my dad this week too, lots of dad time! 

8. By the time I got back home Con was back, and I couldn't have been more happy to see him. We snuck out for a long lunch, followed by a Starbucks stop! I went for a Soy Caramel Cream Frappuccinno and was over the moon that the barista put caramel sauce on top, normally if you don't have whipped cream they don't bother, but it's the best bit!

9. How cute is this Blind Date with a Book section in my local Waterstones? Such a cute idea! 
Con and I took a well-needed lazy day yesterday, watching movies, ordering pizza and generally just chilling out. Blissful!

10. I got a few exciting packages in the mail throughout the week, I haven't had new beauty products in a while, so I'm really looking forward to having a play with lots of new things this week! 

This week should be a little more chilled, I'm house sitting for my parents while they're away, so I'm looking forward to lots of time with Con and the animals!

Have a great week! x

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