Best of the Sleep Aids

I've referenced my insomniac brain a few times on the blog, it normally causes a few rambly posts written with a lack of sleep. I have a spectacularly busy brain, and I'm a born worrier, I find it really hard to relax enough to fall asleep. My boyfriend is one of those people who falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow, but I need a little more help, or I end up spending five hours lying in bed remembering every cringey moment from childhood, and worrying about my workload. Whilst I haven't found anything that will send me straight to sleep, I have got a little selection of aids I employ when I need help to unwind. 

Nothing makes me sleepier than long, hot, bubble bath, so if I've had a particularly stressful day, or my anxiety is acting up that's the first thing I do before bed. I love a good Lush bath bomb, but if I'm on the sleep search it's the Aromatherapy Associates Bath Oils I reach for. Not only do these smell incredibly soothing, the leave your skin silky smooth too.

I like to cosy up in bed with a giganta mug of tea, to warm up my insides and soothe my soul (tea is the best medicine, I'm sure). Most of the time I reach for Whittard's Dreamtime Instant Tea, a super sweet honey, apricot and vanilla tea, but if I want something a little less sweet and a little faster working, I go with Clipper Snore and Peace, which is a delicious blend of chamomile, lemon balm & lavender (don't worry, you can't taste the lavender)

There are a few products I find really aid the calming of my mind. The This Works Deep Sleep Stress Less rollerball often gets rolled all over my inner wrists and I find the scent super calming, I tend to whip it out of my handbag if my anxiety starts to pop up. I also have the This Works Sleep Balm, which is the option I prefer for travel, since it's not liquid it's perfect for flying. I tend to pop this on my temples. I used to have the pillow mist from the range, but when that ran out I moved on The Body Shop Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist, which is almost identical but half the price. This gets liberally spritzed all over the bedding and my pyjamas until my boyfriend starts to sneeze. I also find a good mist of the Caudalie Beauty Elixir all over my face and neck helps me feel ready for bed, and the essential oils make me feel sleepy. 

And if all else fails, I just knock back a couple of Nytol, switch off the lights and hope for the best!

What do you like to do before bed to help you sleep?


  1. I really should invest in some sleep spray for when either myself or the mister find it hard to fall asleep, Nytol just doesn't work for me

  2. They are really helpful, they just calm you down! xx

  3. Thank you Harriet! x

  4. think I need to try some of these things out! x

  5. Brilliant post darling! My boyfriend drives me mad with his ability to just fall asleep as soon as he lies down!I think routine is best. I go to bed at 11 and get up at 7-8 everyday, even on weekends, because once I'm in a good routine my body gets very settled.Thanks for the rec for the Body Shop mist! The This Works one is so expensive!xxx

  6. I'm a bad sleeper too, sometimes I can't just switch my mind off. A bath and a face mask definitely helps me relax, plus anything lavender scented! I have a hand cream, a pillow mist, a moisturising balm, a body oil...!!! xx

  7. My boyfriend is exactly the same, in fact I often think he's asleep before his head actually hits the pillow! I can speak to him and he responds and literally a nano second later he's snoring! Although I've been fine for a while now (in fact I'm pretty tired now at 6:45) I do suffer with bouts of insomnia. The problem I've found with sleep aids is that they all appear to contain lavender. Yes it may be relaxing and good for getting you off to sleep, but not when you can't stand the smell and are also allergic to it :( Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  8. I love all of them! x

  9. Thank you! It's so annoying isn't it, maybe it's because men think about less ;) I totally agree, but I do find it hard to stick to a routine! xxx

  10. Glad I'm not the only one! xx

  11. It is, it's good for travel too! x

  12. It's so frustrating isn't it! Ahhh that's definitely not good!


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