
Well what a week it's been! This is the first week in forever where I feel like it's been go go go, sometimes I get to the end of the week and realise I've done nothing but work, a depressing feeling. This week has been manic though, I've gotten tons of work done ready for my final hand in tomorrow (eek!), but I've done lots of other things too!

The boy and I decided to grab an impromptu two nights at home on Sunday, and it felt so good to spend a bit of time at home. It worked out really well, I managed to get back in time to join my family and our close friends for a giant Sunday roast at one of our favourite restaurants. It was so lovely to have a chilled afternoon hanging out with everyone, I felt totally ready for the week after that!

We came back to London on Tuesday and since The Boy and I both have our final hand ins on Monday, we have spent a lot of time desk bound getting work done since then. We've been sneaking out for coffee breaks at our local Starbucks, and making sure to eat dinner together just to make sure we're actually spending time together. I'm excited to both have more free time next week!

Let's talk about happy things!
  1. Kitty cuddles! One of the best things about going home is being reunited with my kitty. Her name is Astrophe, and she likes licking human eyebrows, catching bugs and trying to put her nose inside mine while I sleep. She falls over when you say her name, if you talk to her she miaows back, and she has a squiffy eye. She's great. 
  2. I spent one night in Bournemouth at Con's house, and when I woke up in the morning I just couldn't get over the view from the window in the morning. Their house is in a really pretty area of town, and the blue skies peaking over the trees was just beautiful!
  3. Speaking of trees, this was the first time I'd been back in Bournemouth since Spring has been in full swing, and being in London for so long made me really appreciate how pretty Bournemouth is this time of year. The roads are all lined with beautiful trees, there are wild flowers growing on the grassy embankments and everything just looks beautiful!
  4. Watching the kitties and Finn interacting with Teaser. Our gorgeous chocolate lab is getting on in years now, she's down an eye with two metal hips and severe arthritis, but she's got a heart of gold, and it just makes my heart melt watching the other animals love her. When the cats walk past they brush their heads against her chin, Finn follows her around the house, and all of them will snuggle up with her! Too much cute.
  5. The first Starbucks Refresha of the year! Whilst I'm mad at Starbucks for ditching the Orange flavour (not quite as mad as last year when they didn't bring back the Berry Hibiscus Flavour), the lime ones are still delicious, and very, errr, refreshing.
  6. I'm really loving the length of my hair right now, I love how it looks, how easy it is to style, and I feel much more like me than when my hair was short! Never going short again! 
  7. Since we had ten balloons floating around the flat after my mini birthday party for Daphne, the boy and I have been playing balloon volleyball a LOT, made more extreme by the presence of lots of Cacti. So far we've lost two balloons to cacti, and one to Con being too heavy handed whilst trying to draw on one. 
  8. This Buzzfeed video gave me a good giggle.
  9. It had been a while since I've had a panic attack, but when I had one out of the blue late on Thursday night, The Boy reacted perfectly, and really helped to calm me down. If you know someone who has panic attacks, knowing how to react to best help them is so important, and it can really help. I feel very lucky to have someone who can look after me when I need it! 
  10. Yesterday I spent the day with my lovely mummy, doing some serious wardrobe overhauling. I found the most perfect dress, we had a yummy lunch at Yo Sushi, and I finished the day snuggled up in bed watching Spooks on Netflix, and chowing down on a Tesco Finest Sticky Toffee Pudding. The perfect day!
I'll be spending the day holed up in Starbucks doing some final bits for my hand in tomorrow (eek), before hopefully having a chilled out week this week! Any recommendations for places to go, things to see and food to eat in the London area, let me know!

Have a wonderful week my friends, and let me know what the best bits of your week were! x


  1. Good luck for tomorrow, just think of how relieved you'll both feel when you've handed in! Your boy sounds like a keeper. Have a great week!

  2. Thanks Bella! He is indeed! Hope you've had a fab week!


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