Thoughts On: Why I Blog

Over the last couple of months the blogging industry had undergone a massive transformation. It might not even be obvious to everyone, but since this year started, blogging has changed from a creative outlet to share knowledge, ideas and opinions, to a competition, where everyone seems to be churning out similar content. 

Have you noticed that when you click onto your Bloglovin' feed these days, it's a mix of sponsored posts and 'blogging tips'. It seems, much like there's a formula for the 'perfect' Instagram, there's now a formula for the perfect blog. The most PR friendly, click bait-y, traffic increasing, blog. And that's great, if you're in it for the views and the money, well then go right ahead.

But for me? That's not what I want. I started my blog, well, because I was lonely. I'd just moved to London and I was all alone. I was buying makeup as a way to cheer myself up, and by creating my blog, I created a community, where I could share my purchases and my thoughts with other like-minded people. But it became so much more than that.

By creating my blog, I created a platform where I can share knowledge, and pieces of my life, whilst creating content I love. I turn down press opportunities daily, because they don't fit with what I'm creating, or they don't allow me to put my own spin on things. I'm proud of the content I create across my blogs, and no amount of money or perks would convince me to share something I wasn't proud of.

As a writer by day, I don't find maintaining a blog hard. I find writing easy, I find the process of writing blog posts soothing and enjoyable, it's never hard or stressful. When I see people on Twitter talking about having to force themselves to create content for their blogs, it makes me really sad. If you have to force yourself, what's the point? Blogging is supposed to be a fun, creative outlet, not a job that has to be done. Blogging should never be a chore.

I guess my question for you is, why do you blog? I think we all need a little reminder of our intentions from time to time.


  1. Love this :) I started my blog a few weeks after I moved to a brand new city - I knew nobody, only my boyfriend and I missed my friends so much. It gave me something to focus on and I was hoping it'd be a good hobby to meet people (thankfully I was right, I've met lovely local friends through my blog)
    I continued it because I am so passionate about my home in the North East and want to show people how beautiful it is in the North and why everyone should visit Newcastle :) I work really hard to try and make sure my blog isn't the same as everyone elses.
    Chloe x

  2. Love this so much and it's definitely true! I often feel intimidated by the big bloggers who are all the same with beautiful perfect photos and it makes me feel like I'm never going to get anywhere. Sometimes I have to step back and remind myself that my blog doesn't have to be perfect and that it can just be like me. I hope that it looks like that because that's why I write it :) xx

  3. I've been blogging on and off for years but never really got into it, I started my current blog about a year and a half ago because I was looking for internships in marketing and heard that they like it when you have a blog... and I started to really enjoy it! I used to read so many blogs but now I just flick through bloglovin' and read a few posts a day because so much of it has turned into 'blogging advice' (which is useful but gets a bit boring when everyone does it all the time) and generic sponsored posts. I took a break from blogging because I wasn't excited about creating content anymore and it just felt like a stressful addition to my day rather than something I enjoyed. I think it's actually really good to take breaks like that rather than forcing yourself to keep making content, because now I'm really excited to get back into it!

  4. I blog as a writing outlet. I recently graduated with a creative writing degree and needed somewhere to keep my writing up and my blog is my little project.

    Rachel |

  5. I don't know, I love writing but sometimes I just don't have the words in me you know? I'll sit down and try to write a post and it just falls flat and boring and that is when it becomes stressful and a chore for me, but it doesn't mean that I don't like it any less


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