For The Bad Days

Everything is temporary. Whatever is causing your bad day, it's temporary. Nothing lasts forever.

Bubble baths cure all. A hot bath with a Lush bath bomb can do the world of good. So can a glass of wine.

It's okay to have a bad day. You have to have bad days so you can recognise, and appreciate the good. It sucks, but it's what makes the good moments better.

You can learn from every experience. So why not learn from this one? Everything that happens in our lives provides us with opportunities to grow and to learn, you should make the most of that.


  1. Great post, I havent had a bubble bath since i was little and i miss them so much, i just cant lift myself anymore.

  2. Loved this - simple but very needed.

  3. Aw this was so lovely! Really cheered me up :) xx


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